On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 2:17:49 PM UTC-5, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 6/4/2013 11:45 PM, Mike Hansen wrote:
> > Is "Rick Johnson" the alter ego of Xah Lee, or is he the result of a
> > cross breeding experiement with a troll by Saruman at Isengard?
> He is a Python programmer competent enough with tkinter to have given 
> useful answers to me and others.

Well thanks Terry. You've always been a knowledgeable and kind force on this 
list and the Python community could definitely use a few more like you. Hey, i 
would trade one-hundred Ricks for five or six more Terrys. :-)

> He occasionally enjoys verbal jousting, 
> as in a bar, but pollutes his rants with ad hominem slurs.

Urm, well i will admit my methods can be a bit "confrontational", however my  
intentions are always virtuous. "Ad hominem slurs" may be a bit too harsh, or, 
maybe my definition of "ad hominem" is different than others. 

I'll admit, I've never been the type that "works well with others". I'm more of 
a "one man army" than a "team player". But then again, some of the greatest 
intellects in history share my awkward social skills!

And even if my "PyWarts" are troubling to some, i believe they are needed  
simply because they serve a greater purpose -- greater than even Rick himself! 
Because you cannot repair a problem if you are unaware that the problem exists.

You see Terry, i'm just a soldier sacrificing myself on the alter of 
selflessness for the greater cause of this community. And whilst my vulgar 
display of bravado, and occasional diversions into hyperbole, can be upsetting 
to some, on the flip-side, my focused application of pure logical reasoning and 
my *unshakable* adherence to the fine principals of consistency can enlighten 
so many more!

PS: Was this a private email sent to you or a thread started on the list? 
Because i don't see this thread anywhere -- unless I've gone blind???

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