Roy Smith wrote:

> In article <>,
>  cutems93 <> wrote:
>> I am looking for an appropriate version control software for python
>> development, and need professionals' help to make a good decision.
>> Currently I am considering four software: git, SVN, CVS, and Mercurial.
> CVS is hopelessly obsolete.  SVN pretty much the same.

I would say that SVN does have its uses, but managing software repositories 
isn't one of them due to the wealth of available alternatives out there 
which are far better than it.

> Git and Mercurial are essentially identical in terms of features; which
> you like is as much a matter of personal preference as anything else.
> Pick one and learn it.

I agree, but there is a feature Git provides right out of the box which is 
extremelly useful but Mercurial supports only as a non-standard module: the 
git stash feature.

Rui Maciel

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