On 13/6/2013 9:41 πμ, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:
On 12/6/2013 11:35 μμ, Joel Goldstick wrote:

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Νικόλαος Κούρας <supp...@superhost.gr
<mailto:supp...@superhost.gr>> wrote:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
    RewriteRule ^/?(.+\.html)
    /cgi-bin/metrites.py?file=%{__REQUEST_FILENAME} [L,PT,QSA]

    file = form.getvalue('file')
    page = form.getvalue('page')

    if not page and os.path.exists( file ):
             # it is an html template
             page = file.replace( '/home/dauwin/public_html/', '' )
    elif page or form.getvalue('show'):
             # it is a python script
             page = page..replace(
    '/home/dauwin/public_html/cgi-__bin/', '' )
             #when everything else fails fallback
             page = "index.html"


             if page.endswith('.html'):
                     with open( '/home/dauwin/public_html/' + page,
    encoding='utf-8' ) as f:
                             htmlpage = f.read()
                     htmlpage = htmlpage % (quote, music)
                     template = htmlpage + counter
             elif page.endswith('.py'):
                     pypage = subprocess.check_output(
    '/home/dauwin/public_html/cgi-__bin/' + page )
                     pypage = pypage.decode('utf-8').__replace(
    'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8', '' )
                     template = pypage + counter

             print( template )

    Everything as you see point to 'dauwin' username, yet the error
    still says:

    [Tue Jun 11 21:59:31 2013] [error] [client]   File
    "/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-__bin/metrites.py", line 219, in
    <module>, referer: http://superhost.gr/
    [Tue Jun 11 21:59:31 2013] [error] [client]     with
    open( '/home/nikos/public_html/' + page, encoding='utf-8' ) as f:,
    referer: http://superhost.gr/
    [Tue Jun 11 21:59:31 2013] [error] [client]
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] \\u0394\\u03b5\\u03bd
    \\u03b1\\u03c1\\u03c7\\u03b5\\__u03af\\u03bf \\u03ae
    referer: http://superhost.gr/

Notice that you have the file path you want concatenated to your
/home/nikos/... stuff in the line above.  Look in your code to find out
why. Fix that.  Lather, rinse, repeat

In my source code as seen above i mention nowhere for '/home/nikos/' but
instead for '/home/dauwin/'

That error message makes me come to conclusion that metrites.py script
is running from user's nikos' cgi-bin:


instead of:


I wonder why.
I mean iam sayign it clearly

with open( '/home/dauwin/public_html/' + page,

and the error says:

[Tue Jun 11 21:59:31 2013] [error] [client]     with
 >     open( '/home/nikos/public_html/' + page, encoding='utf-8' ) as f:,
 >     referer: http://superhost.gr/

What happens when i give http://superhost.gr/~dauwin

Why home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin/metrites.py seems to be the scritp
that always run?

That should have run when i browser: 'http://superhost.gr' and not when
i browse 'http://superhost.gr/~dauwin'

Please help. A client wanst to utilize my metrites.py script because he
lieks the way that has a seperate counter for each html page and the way
the log is presented in an html table like form.
Of course i will give it it to him for free.

Please suggest something of why this happnes.

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