On Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:06:08 PM C. N. Desrosiers wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm planning to buy a Macbook Air and I want to use it as a sort of alarm. 
> I'd like to write a program that boots my computer at a specific time,
> loads iTunes, and starts playing a podcast.  Is this sort of thing possible
> in Python?
> Thanks in advance.

Up  to Jan 1, 2012 we had 6 computers that 
were connected to timers.

The timers were set to come on at various times 
during the day.  When the timer came on, the computer,
on boot up, ran a .BAT file that called our screen saver 
which in turn launched another program.

I don't know about Mac but this was all written 
on DOS machines.  With a little research and I'm sure it 
could be done through the bios on a Mac.  

The screen saver gave us time to opt out of the call to 
another program. So, simply turning on a 
machine could launch an OS file that will call 
your python module.

Another approach is building a python screen saver that 
reboots your computer at a specific time.  On reboot,
your OS calls a python screen saver with options, 
as mentioned. 



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