On 6/20/2013 2:44 PM, Alister wrote:
On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 11:35:49 -0700, Wanderer wrote:

Do I need to uninstall Python 2.7.3 before installing Python 2.7.5?


that will depend on your operating system an possibly the variety of

"Python 2.7.3' and 'Python 2.7.5' are by trademark PSF CPython implementations of the Python 2.7 language.

The Windows installers *replace* previous micro releases because the new bugfix release is presumed to be better than any before. When that turns out to be sufficiently false, there is a new bugfix release as soon as possible to remove the regressions. Hence 2.7.4 was quickly replaced by 2.7.5 (and same for recent 3.2 and 3.3 releases). (Such regressions, as with any bug, expose deficiencies in the test suite, which also get corrected.)

I presume that *nix package managers also replace, but have not used them.

Terry Jan Reedy


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