
Am 23.06.13 18:06, schrieb JK:
Nazdar mládenci,

this is an English (only) speaking group. Therefore you will not get much response by posting in Czech.

měl bych zájem dokončit překlad Tkinteru
(http://tkinter.programujte.com/index.htm), na kterém před šesti lety
pracovali zejména Pavel Kosina a Jakub Vojáček.

Poslal jsem jim mejla ale nehlásí se mi. Poradíte mi?

Před několika dny jsem přeložil pěkné texty o Tkinteru
(http://www.python-course.eu/python_tkinter.php). Překlad jsem zatím
odložil na https://bitbucket.org/tovim/tkinter-klein-cs, odkud si jej
můžete stáhnout a prohlédnout.
Budu jej ještě se svolením autora editovat.

Then you should ask the primary authors of
for their permission. BTW, I've not read this tutorial in detail, but IMHO it is a sin these days to not use ttk widgets. That's one main reason why people think that Tk sucks, because the non-themed widgets look odd and oldfashioned. Using Ttk it's possible to have applications practically indistinguishable from native code on Win&Mac.

Concerning http://tkinter.programujte.com/index.htm, I don't know if somebody has better contact to the authors here.

I'd like to throw in yet another page:


This is a cross-language tutorial on Tk. It uses ttk from the beginning and is placed under creative commons.

In any case, thanks for your willingness to help. Other users will probably find your work very helpful.


  • tkinter JK
    • Re: tkinter Christian Gollwitzer

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