On Fri, 1 Jul 2005, Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

> Tom Anderson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Roy Smith wrote:
>>> Even some of the relatively recent library enhancements have been kind 
>>> of complicated.  The logging module, for example, seems way over the 
>>> top.
>> Exactly the same thing happened with Java.
> I was under the impression that Python's logging module (like unittest) 
> was based on a common Java one, and it's complexity could be blamed on 
> that.

That would explain it. Who was responsible for this crime? I say we shoot 
them and burn the bodies.

>> if you look at the libraries that were in 1.1, they're very clean and 
>> simple (perhaps with the exception of AWT). 1.2 added a load of stuff 
>> that was much less well-designed (with the notable exception of the 
>> collections stuff, which is beautiful)
> There are very many adjectives I could (and have) used to describe the 
> Collection framework. "Beautiful" is not among them. I think the closest 
> I could manage is "baroque".

Oh, i don't think it's really that bad. For java.



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