On Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:40:39 PM UTC+5:30, Vlastimil Brom wrote:
> Hi,
> I belive, the author is Roman Jakobson, see the respective post about
> this very question:
> http://linguistlist.org/issues/9/9-32.html


> There seem to be several variations,
> Another remarkable linguist Eugenio Coseriu mentions this in his paper
> (Sprache: Strukturen und Funktionen ... Tübingen 1979, p. 119).
> The German text is besides mentioning Jakobson almost fully equivalent
> to you original quote:
> "R. Jakobson bemerkt mit Recht, daß sich die Sprachen nicht durch das,
> was sie sagen können, unterscheiden, sondern durch das, was sie sagen
> müssen."
> http://books.google.cz/books?id=JkGCkC8RYcEC
> p. 119

My German does not go way beyond: Vielen Dank (for the first)!

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