Am 28.06.2013 17:16, schrieb Ethan Furman:
On 06/28/2013 03:48 AM, Thomas Heller wrote:
trying out the enum34 module.

What I want to create is a subclass of enum.Enum that is also based
on ctypes.c_int so that I can better use enum instances in ctypes
api calls.

Have you tried using enum.IntEnum?  If you were able to pass ints in
 before, IntEnum should work.

I'm sure that IntEnum works as expected, but I need enums that are
subclasses of ctypes.c_int (so that argument type checking and return
value conversions in ctypes api calls work).

Robert Kern:

enum.EnumMeta uses super() in its __new__() implementation but
_ctypes.PyCSimpleType doesn't. Thus, only
_ctypes.PyCSimpleType.__new__() gets a chance to run. Switching the
order of the two might work.

Robert found the problem but I'm unsure if there is a solution.
Also I'm unsure whether this is a bug in ctypes or in enum or if
they are simply incompatible.


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