On Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:37:55 -0700, cts.private.yahoo wrote:

> :)  Thank you guys for saying what I was biting my tongue about (thanks
> everybody for the help, BTW!).
> This "python-think" stuff was starting to get on my nerves - but then it
> occurred to me that - although having many powerful features - it has so
> many weird restrictions that it requires a special way of thinking and
> problem solving.

Er, no, you're confused. Python's restrictions aren't "weird", they make 
absolutely perfect sense once you understand the programming model. 
Python has a nice, clean semantic model, far cleaner than most other 
languages I've looked at, which *cannot decide* on what model they wish 
to present so they end up with a hodge-podge of bits of different models 
all lumped together and every piece of random syntax you could ever hope 
(or perhaps fear) to see.

If you insist in thinking of Python as "Perl with different syntax", then 
you won't understand why you can't do certain things -- and you'll 
equally not realise that you CAN do other things that other languages 
don't support.


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