Στις 2/7/2013 3:00 μμ, ο/η Dave Angel έγραψε:
ou need to reconfigure FileZilla then.  Site Manager (first icon on
the toolbar) → your site → Charset → Force UTF-8.

Much better:  upload all files as binary, so they are byte for byte
identical on both systems.  Sometimes that might require some local
preparing, but that beats strange problems with encodings, line endings,

I currently have it on Auto-Detect.
I think its smart enough what is a binary file and what is an ASCII script, not sure though.

Once you have done my suggestions above, a single rsynch command will
upload any files that have changed, without you specifying which ones
they are.  So you don't need the "integrated file transfer feature" of
various editors & guis.  You just run one batch file which you set up,
and when it finishes, the systems will match.

How and from where should i use rsync?

I currently ditched FileZilla and start using CrossFTP Pro.
I searched inside it but i have seen no rsync command/method just "Synchronized Browsing"

Under Windows?  I suggest installing Cygwin or switching over to
Linux, for your sanity.  If you don’t want either, look for a Windows
port of rsync.  The next step is to read the included man page.

rsynch has lots of option switches, but once set up, it's trivial to use.

Is rsync a command on the remote server or can be found as a standalone tool too?

Please suggest an editor that has built in rsync ability so to immediately upload my cgi-scripts when i hit save in the text editor.

How do you guys upload your files/scripts to remote hosts ?

What is now proved was at first only imagined!

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