flamesrock wrote:
> I  looked at PyCrust, and while its given me a few cool ideas, I may
> have described the problem incorrectly. What I really need is not
> something that takes input, but merely redirects the 'print' statements
> to something like a terminal window.
> Is this even possible without entering the function calls directly into
> a pycrust like terminal? Maybe I'm trying to do the wrong thing.

PyCrust would show you a mechanism to get lines of text into a "terminal 
window".  Actually capturing those lines of output is a different story. 
  Here's one approach, if you have control over the print statements:

class Redirector:
     def __init__(self, infoAboutTerminal):
         # store "infoAboutTerminal" in local attributes

     def write(self, text):
         '''output lines of text to terminal window'''
         # here you do whatever PyCrust does to get output to its window
         # using the info stored in the constructor

Assuming you have a PyCrust-like terminal window open somewhere,
you would create a Redirector and pass it whatever info about the 
terminal window that it might need.

terminal = Redirector(infoAboutPyCrustLikeWindow)

Then just send your prints to this location using the >> syntax sugar:

print >>terminal, 'This line of text goes to the GUI window.'
print >>terminal, 'So does all this\neven multiple lines...'

If you *don't* have the ability to change the print statements like 
this, then you can install a Redirector in place of sys.stdout, but that 
will affect all prints, including those in standard library modules and 


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