On 2013-07-02, Tobiah <t...@tobiah.org> wrote:
> On 07/02/2013 12:30 PM, sas4...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Somemore can be anything for instance:
>> Sometext
>> mail
>> maskit
>> Sometext
>> rupee
>> dollar
>> maskit
>> and so on..
>> Is there a way I can achieve this?
> How do we know whether we have Sometext?
> If it's really just a literal 'Sometext', then
> just print that when you hit maskit.
> Otherwise:
> for line in open('file.txt').readlines():
>       if is_sometext(line):
>               memory = line
>       if line == 'maskit':
>               print memory

Tobiah's solution fits what little we can make of your problem.

My feeling is that you've simplified your question a little too
much in hopes that it would help us provide a better solution.
Can you provide more context? 

Neil Cerutti

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