On 07/05/2013 03:13 AM, Νίκος Gr33k wrote:
Στις 5/7/2013 10:06 πμ, ο/η Lele Gaifax έγραψε:
         host = socket.gethostbyaddr( os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] )[0]
         host = "Reverse DNS Failed"

Yes i uses to had it like that, until i was looking for ways to make it
hold the error

except Exception as e:
     print( e )
     host = e

but print( e ) in the way i used to had it doesn't print out the error,
it instead gives an internal server error on browser.

I must somehow take a look at the error to understand why every visitor
i have gets UnResolved, but how since prints fails?

How have you been doing it all along? Just open a console onto that server, start the appropriate version of Python interactively, and try the things we've been talking about. If it fails the same way as within the cgi environmnet, you get full visibility.

Or if the problems cannot be recreated outside the cgi environment, use the log files you've been logging other problems into. Or simply open a text file for writing, and add a file= keyword parameter to the print function call.

     print(repr(e), file=myfile)



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