On 06/07/2013 20:38, Terry Reedy wrote:
"rms has crippling RSI" (anonymous, as quoted by Skip).

I suspect that 'rms' = Richard M Stallman (but why lower case? to insult
him?). I 'know' that RSI = Roberts Space Industries, a game company
whose Kickstarter project I supported. Whoops, wrong context. How about
'Richard Stallman Insanity' (his personal form of megalomania)? That
makes the phrase is a claim I have read others making.

Lets continue and see if that interpretation works. "should indicate
that emacs' ergonomics is not right". Aha! Anonymous believes that using
his own invention, emacs, is what drove Richard crazy. He would not be
the first self invention victim.

But Skip mentions 'worse for wrists'. So RSI must be a physical rather
than mental condition. Does 'I' instead stand for Inoperability?,
Instability?, or what?

Let us try Google. Type in RSI and it offers 'RSI medications' as a
choice. Sound good, as it will eliminate all the companies with those
initials. The two standard medical meanings of RSI seem to be Rapid
Sequence Intubation and Rapid Sequence Induction. But those are
procedures, not chronic syndromes. So I still do not know what the
original poster, as quoted by Skip, meant.

Repetitive strain injury, I assume. Not sure if you're joking but over here the top 7 hits for "RSI" on Google, as well as the three ads that precede them, are repetitive strain injury-related.

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