On Fri, 12 Jul 2013 00:24:26 -0400, Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info> wrote:

Frankly, nothing comes even close to a real mouse for feedback and ease
of use. Maybe a stylus. But that's it.

before tremors, I would agree with you. Stylus is amazingly good tool for user interaction in a GUI. After tremors, not so much. For example, when you sweep across the pad, you keep your mouse tip up, over and use feedback from your mouse pointer to tell you when to touch down. My tremors caused mouse clicks on tablet at about a 2 Hz rate. You can just imagine it, hearing me move the stylus across the pad going: Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap. Yeah, sucks to be me. A high-resolution mouse is similarly problematic because I can make a gross motion to another part of the screen. hitting a small target on a high-resolution screen is not easy in the least and usually takes longer than the gross positioning across the screen. What I would love is a mouse interface that uses a mouse motion for a small range but a force vector like Mr. eraser head for longer-range movement. Not exactly sure how the mouse would behave but that's a very rough idea what would work well with my hands.

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