On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Νικόλας <ni...@superhost.gr> wrote:
> Στις 13/7/2013 2:04 πμ, ο/η Dennis Lee Bieber έγραψε:
>> On Sat, 13 Jul 2013 02:47:38 +1000, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com>
>> declaimed the following:
>>> Oh, and just for laughs, I tried a few of my recent mobile IP
>>> addresses in the GeoIP lookup. All of them quoted Melbourne someplace,
>>> some in the CBD and some out in the suburbs, but all vastly wrong, and
>>> places I haven't been. But I'd never expect it to be accurate on
>>> those.
>>         Well... the MaxMind demo of "my IP" did get the proper
>> metropolitan
>> area... But they list the ISP as "AT&T"... My real ISP is Earthlink
>> (piggybacking on AT&T DSL service).
>>         The Lat/Long, however shows as
>> 42.9634 -85.6681
>> whereas a recent GPS readout shows
>> 42.9159 -85.5541
>> or 2m50s too far north, and 6m50s too far west.
>>         Same website, accessed from my Blackberry phone, gave a result of
>> "United States, NA" and location 38 -97
> I have read all your answer very carefully but i still need some way of
> getting it done.
> All my Greek website visitors say they are from Europe/Athens which is the
> ISP's location and not user's homeland.
> Well it worked for me but as many other told me it wasn't accurate for them
> too.
> Please try this:  http://www.maxmind.com/en/geoip_demo
> and tell me if maxmind's database can pippont you city's location.

Nikos, you keep asking for a way to do the impossible. We keep telling
you that it is impossible. No alternative technique will do what
cannot be done!

I just tried that on my two IPs and it was quite wrong on both of them
- further wrong than some of the others have been.

Stop expecting magic.


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