----- Original Message -----
> Thanks for all the suggestions, I'm afraid I didn't get a chance to
> view them over the weekend but I will get started with them this
> morning. I'm currently using sublime 2 for my text editor and tried
> to create a UML diagram using Pylint to try and get a map overview
> of what's going on. Unfortunately it seemed to map the classes into
> groups such as StringIO, ThreadPool, GrabOut etc.. rather than into
> the modules they belong go and how they fit together. Maybe this is
> just my inexperience showing through or I'm using the program wrong.
> If anyone has any 'mapping' programs they use to help them visualise
> program flow that would be a great bonus.
> To be fair to who programmed it, most functions are commented and I
> can't complain about the messiness of the code, It's actually very
> tidy. (I suppose Python forcing it's formatting is another reason
> it's an easily readable language!) Luckily not blanked import * were
> used otherwise I really would be up the creek without a paddle.
> Thanks!

Do not hesitate to ask this list about specific part of the code, looks like 
you've already put some efforts understanding it so people will happily try to 
help you.
Just make sure you can actually expose the code to the public.



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