I didn't look into using YAML processor.
Also that would have required pre-processing the data to add the separators.
With this method you don't need the separators. You can have 0 or more
white space between objects:

for obj in JSONStream(StringIO('''{"one":1}{"two":2}    {"three":3} 4
{"five": 5}''')):


It solved my problem, so I thought someone might find it useful.

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Clark C. Evans <c...@clarkevans.com> wrote:

> **
> Looks interesting.  In YAML we used three dashes as the "stream separator".
> So already a YAML processor could handle a JSON stream ...
> >>> for doc in yaml.load_all("""
> ... --- {"one": "value"}
> ... --- {"two": "another"}
> ... ---
> ... {"three": "a third item in the stream",
> ...  "with": "more data"}
> ... """):
> ...     print doc
> ...
> {'one': 'value'}
> {'two': 'another'}
> {'with': 'more data', 'three': 'a third item in the stream'}
> --
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