Not to open Pandora's box or anything, but are you aware of the Roguelike 
community (subculture?) (cult?) of game development?  Rogue was an old 
"text-based" role playing game for Unix, "text-based" in the sense that it used 
the console as a 2D map and ASCII characters as graphics.  There has been a 
sort of revival of the genre and a lot of amateur game developers have done 
some simple or complex variations on the theme.  They're not all RPGs.  The 
category is defined by a few commonalities like procedural content generation.

There are very active forums and an extensive wiki.  I think these might be 
particularly appropriate fodder for a tutoring experience because they are 
neatly broken down into bite-sized chunks.  One day you could do procedural map 
generation, another day AI, etc.  And all these lessons generalize to the 
"professional" game development world.

Look at this forum:
This wiki: 
This Python tutorial:,_using_python%2Blibtcod

By the way, I tried my hand at Markov chain name generation, too.  My python 
code is at
and what it does is read a corpus of names and generate new names that sound 
like that corpus.  So you feed it a list of Roman names and it will give you 
fake names that sound Roman.

// joseph w. clark , phd , visiting research associate
\\ university of nebraska at omaha - college of IS&T
> Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 15:43:45 -0700
> Subject: Homework help requested (not what you think!)
> From:
> To:
> Hi folks,
> No, I'm not asking for YOU to help ME with a Python homework assignment!
> Previously, I mentioned that I was starting to teach my son Python.
> He just took a course at his high school called Web Technology and Design. 
> They had the students use tools like Dream Weaver, but they also hand-coded 
> some HTML and JavaScript. He has a little experience. I am building on it.
> Well, a few other parents caught wind of what I was doing with my son, and 
> they asked me whether I could tutor their kids, too. I accepted the jobs (for 
> pay, actually).
> The kids all claim to be interested. They all want to write the next great 3D 
> video game. Thus, I'm a little surprised that the kids don't actually try to 
> sit down and code without me prompting them. I think that they're 
> disappointed when I show them how much they have to understand just to write 
> a program that plays Tic Tac Toe.
> Where programming is concerned, I'm an autodidact. I started programming when 
> I was twelve, with little more guidance than the Applesoft Basic manual and 
> the occasional issue of Byte Magazine. I hacked away. Over the years, I have 
> acquired a working knowledge of BASIC, 6502 assembly language, Pascal, C, and 
> finally Python (my favorite). If I knew how to impart a love of 
> experimentation to my students, I would do that.
> One kid looks like he's ready to forge ahead. In the mean time, one parent 
> has recognized his son's lack of independence, and has asked me to assign 
> programming homework. I hope it doesn't kill the kid's enthusiasm, but I'm 
> willing to try it.
> So, what I am seeking are suggestions for programming assignments that I can 
> give to brand-new students of Python. Please keep in mind that none of them 
> are even up to the task of a simple algorithm like Bubble Sort -- at least, 
> not yet.
> Many thanks!
> --

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