After considering all the options suggested here I decided to use 
PySide/QtCreator as was suggested by Dave Cook. I created a simple GUI with 
QtCreator and found a way to convert .ui files to .py files. So far so good.

But now I am having some confusion about the correct tools to use for PySide 
and I am stuck due to that. I explored the PySide wiki and discussed the 
confusion on Qt-forums but that didn't help much. The url of that discussion is 
given below(without backslashes to avoid it being shortened). Just using this 
on google you can easily find the discussion.  forums   viewthread  30114

Do I need to use QtCreator with PySide if I want drag-and-drop feature for GUI 
development? Do I need to install Qt? If yes, which version - 4.8 or 5.1? 

Can I use cxfreeze to make exe files from the GUI developed? I used it for pure 
Python files and it worked. The size of the file was big but it worked with me 
having to install Python on another computer. I tried to use cxfreeze on the 
GUI Python script that I was finally able to make. Some exe was made but no GUI 
started when I ran the exe. Is that a problem with cxfreeze or me having wrong 
tools installed?

Any help is appreciated.


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