The answer is "probably not." If you just want to use the latest version of
Python 3 you have installed on your system, use: "#!/usr/bin/python3". When
you use the specific minor version numbers, they point to that specific
minor version.

Actually, the preferred shebang line is of the form: "#!/usr/bin/env
python3". This way the end users can override the interpreter with, say, a
virtualenv, rather than being stuck with the system default.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 9:54 AM, MRAB <> wrote:

> On 25/07/2013 14:42, Devyn Collier Johnson wrote:
>> If I execute a Python3 script with this haspling (#!/usr/bin/python3.3)
>> and Python3.3 is not installed, but Python3.2 is installed, would the
>> script still work? Would it fall back to Python3.2?
>>  Why don't you try it?
>  I hope Dihedral is listening. I would like to see another response from
>> HIM.
> --

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