Op 28-07-13 20:19, Joshua Landau schreef:
On 28 July 2013 09:45, Antoon Pardon <antoon.par...@rece.vub.ac.be
<mailto:antoon.par...@rece.vub.ac.be>> wrote:
Op 27-07-13 20:21, wxjmfa...@gmail.com <mailto:wxjmfa...@gmail.com>
utf-8 or any (utf) never need and never spend their time
in reencoding.
So? That python sometimes needs to do some kind of background
processing is not a problem, whether it is garbage collection,
allocating more memory, shufling around data blocks or reencoding a
string, that doesn't matter. If you've got a real world example where
one of those things noticeably slows your program down or makes the
program behave faulty then you have something that is worthy of
Somewhat off topic, but befitting of the triviality of this thread, do I
understand correctly that you are saying garbage collection never causes
any noticeable slowdown in real-world circumstances? That's not remotely
No that is not what I am saying. But if jmf would be complaining about
garbage collection in an analog way as he is complaining about the FSR,
he wouldn't be complaining about real-world circumstances but about
theorectical possibilities and micro bench marks. In those circunstances
the "garbage collection problem" wouldn't be worthy of attention much.
Antoon Pardon