Bengt Richter wrote:

> What if parameter name syntax were expanded to allow dotted names as binding
> targets in the local scope for the argument or default values? E.g.,
>     def foometh(self, self.x=0, self.y=0): pass
> would have the same effect as
>     def foometh(self, self.y=0, self.x=0): pass
> and there would be a persistent effect in the attributes of self
> (whatever object that was), even with a body of pass.
> I'm not sure about foo(self, **{'self.x':0, 'self.y':0}), but if
> you didn't capture the dict with a **kw formal parameter, IWT you'd
> have to be consistent and effect the attribute bindings implied.
> (Just a non-thought-out bf here, not too serious ;-)
> Regards,
> Bengt Richter

Well it works the other way around to some degree.

def foo(self, x=x, y=y):pass

x=x binds the class variables to the arguments without the self. if no 
value is given.

Which is kind of strange, since x by it self gives an error if no value 
is given.  The strange part is x=x is not the same as just x.  I 
understand why, but it still looks odd.

Why isn't there a dict method to get a sub dict from a key list? 
Fromkeys doesn't quite do it.

    sub-dict = dict.subdict(key_list)

Or have dict.copy() take a key list. (?)

<Just a thought.>

The following works and doesn't seem too obscure, although the x=x, 
etc.. could be annoying if they were a lot of long names.

Seems like mutable default arguments is what's needed to make it work, 
not that it's needed IMO.  But it's an interesting problem.

def subdict(dict, keys):
     d = {}
     for k in keys:
         d[k] = dict[k]
     return d

class foo(object):
     x = 1
     y = 2
     z = 3
     def __init__(self,x=x,y=y,z=z):
         save_these = subdict(locals(),['x','y'])

         # rest of code
         print self.x, self.y, self.z

f = foo()
f = foo(5,6,7)


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