Hi together,

Some years ago I started a small WSGI project at my university. Since then the 
project was grown up every year. Some classes have more than 600 lines of code 
with (incl. boiler-plates mostly in descriptors/properties). 

Many of these properties are similar or have depencies among themselves.
The idea is to grouping similar properties like:

new style:
>>>m = MyClass(...)
>>>m.attr = 'some; complex:data#string'


I wrote this descriptor:

class Descr:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.attribute = self.__class__.__name__
        self.__set__(None, value)

    def __get__(self, obj, Type=None):
        return getattr(obj, self.attribute, self)
    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        if obj is None: # descripting yourself
            # do something here ...
            self.value = value
            if hasattr(obj, self.attribute):
                self.__get__(obj).__set__(None, value)
                setattr(obj, self.attribute, type(self)(value))

This works fine as long as the value attribute of Descr is read-only and the 
user have to use the descriptor interface e.g. __get__/__set__. Because
it's not guaranteed that the user gets a seperated instance of Descr which
will be living in obj.__dict__. If obj is None the descriptor will be returned

But I would like that the user can use the following statement:

>>>m = MyClass(...)
>>>m.attr = 'some; complex:data#string'
>>>m.attr.value = 'some other'
'some other'

But this usage will be problematic. If the descriptor returned themselves 
(default case) and the user modified the value, he modified the default
value without to create a seperated instance attribute.

>>>class C:
>>>    def __init__(self, value):
>>>        if not value is None:
>>>            self.attr = value
>>>    attr = Descr('default value')

>>># explicit default usage (no problem): 
'default value'

>>>a = C()
'default value'

The following is the main Problem:

>>>a.attr.value = 'other'

The user could think that a new instance based value will be created. But it

It will works fine only if I assign a value explicitly.

>>>m = MyClass(value='test')
>>>{'Descr':<object of ...>}

Has anyone had a similar problem in the past? Or I am on the wrong way.

Kind Regards,

Sorry for my terrible english ...



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