On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 11:33 AM,  <wachk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have created a script to log in a website. It gets its username and 
> password from two files, then log's in with this credentials. My code is not 
> showing me what username it is using to login from the file. And I am not 
> sure if it is even opening up the url and prompting for login. I am stuck can 
> someone help me ?
>     import urllib, urllib2
>     user = open ('users.txt' , 'r')
>     password = open ('password.txt' , 'r')
>     for users in user:
>         password.seek(0)
>         for pass_list in password:
>             login_data = users + '\n' + pass_list
>             print login_data
I think you will note that login_data is overwritten each password
loop.  In the end of all of the above you have the last users followed
by a newline, followed by the last pass_list
You might want to think about putting the code below in a function
that can be called after print login_data above if you want to check
each username and password combination.

>     base_url = 'http://mysite.com'
>     #login action we want to post data to
>     response = urllib2.Request(base_url)
>     login_action = '/auth/login'
>     login_action = base_url + login_action
>     response = urllib2.urlopen(login_action, login_data)

I don't think the above line provides login_data as specified by the
spec:   http://docs.python.org/2/library/urllib2.html#module-urllib2

It looks like data needs to be tuples

>     response.read()
>     print response.headers
>     print response.getcode()
> --

Once you correct the top of your code I recommend Requests module
since its easier to understand, simpler, and better documented than
the standard url stuff.  You can find it at

> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Joel Goldstick

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