On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 11:47:19 AM UTC-4, David M. Cotter wrote:
> okay, well that might turn out to be useful, except i don't quite know how to 
> use it, and there are no "from scratch" instructions.
> i managed to download "py2exe-0.6.9.zip" and unzip it, but how does one 
> "install" this package?  (yes, still a newb at that)

What's your OS?  For Windows there is an exe that installs it.  Did you 
download that?

Or you could, in the command line, do:

cd c:\some_folder\the_py2exe_folder
python setup.py install 

(The Python site has a huge page of details on that route. 

Or you could probably get away with just moving the py2exe folder to 
Python27\site-packages (or whatever Python you have)

Or you could first install pip (recommended!) and then just:
pip install py2exe

> then, once installed, how do i say "include the entire world" instead of just 
> "mymodule" ?  cuz the point of embedding python on my app is that the 
> end-user can run any script at all, not just one module.

I don't know.  As I understand it, py2exe will pull whatever is needed in 
Python to run your module.  If your module requires all of Python, I guess that 
will work.  I think regardless of the module, even if it is a "Hello, World" 
program, py2exe has to include the Python interpreter.  

Unfortunately, and surprisingly, the py2exe site is still down.  Odd.  If it 
returns, that should help.  There is also a py2exe users mailing list that you 
could find by Googling for it.

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