Chris Angelico <> writes:

> […] rather than OO/LibreOffice. (I'll not distinguish those two. Far
> as I'm concerned, they're one product with two names.)

That's simply false. LibreOffice has, since the 2010 fork of the code
base and especially since the exodus of developers to The Document
Foundation [0], gained a great number of improvements [1] and is now the
clear inheritor of active development.

Oracle's behaviour (as holder of the OpenOffice trademark) shows they
have no interest in a free-software OpenOffice. Even Oracle Linux no
longer has OpenOffice, instead shipping LibreOffice [2].

Claiming they're the same product is ignoring the transfer of
development away from the code dump, and to LibreOffice
as the actively-developed product.


 \         “True greatness is measured by how much freedom you give to |
  `\      others, not by how much you can coerce others to do what you |
_o__)                                               want.” —Larry Wall |
Ben Finney


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