On Sun, 3 Jul 2005 22:42:17 -0500, Terry Hancock

>It seems to be that it isn't robust against files
>with lots of mixed tabs and spaces.

My suggestion is:

- never ever use tabs; tabs were nice when they had
  a de-facto meaning (tabbing to next 8-space boundary)
  nowdays they're just noise as the meaning depends
  on the phase of the moon.
  Making tabs meaning anything had the pretty obvious
  implication of making tabs meaning nothing.

- stick to 4-space indent

I've even run in the past in editors that damaged
my python sources because they were indented with
two spaces (I'm used to an indent size of 2 when
working in C/C++). With python IMO 4 spaces is
perfectly adequate anyway; onced I tried it I never
had the temptation of looking back.


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