On 08/06/13 01:56, David Barroso wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. I
> would like to develop some scripts to manage Cisco routers and
> switches using XML. However, I am not sure where to start. Does
> someone have some experience working with XML, Schemas and things like
> that? Which libraries do you use? Do you know of any good tutorial?


I develop Spyne (http://spyne.io), it does let you define Xml Schema
types, generate the Schema documents, (and in the upcoming release,
parse them) and also does both serialization and deserialization of
python objects from and to xml according to definitions in the xml
schema. It also does RPC :)

In case you don't want to use a framework, use lxml, it's a very good
xml manipulation library based on libxml2/libxslt. You can use
lxml.objectify for xml serialization as well.



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