On Thursday, August 8, 2013 12:50:25 PM UTC+5:30, sagar varule wrote:
> Hi All,
> Im using Paramiko for my SSH automation. Im using method that is shown in 
> demo_simple.py example which comes with Paramiko. Below is code from 
> demo_simple.py.
> As you can make out, below code opens SSH connection and opens Interactie 
> Shell, and then wait for the command from user.
> I want to submit the command to this Interactive Shell using code.
> try:
>     client = paramiko.SSHClient()
>     client.load_system_host_keys()
>     client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.WarningPolicy())
>     print '*** Connecting...'
>     client.connect(hostname, port, username, password)
>     chan = client.invoke_shell()
>     print repr(client.get_transport())
>     print '*** Here we go!'
>     print
>     interactive.interactive_shell(chan)
>     chan.close()
>     client.close()
> Well Another approach I tried is instead of opening interactive_shell, 
> directly issue command using;
>  stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(bv_cmd)
>             for line in stderr.readlines():
>                 print line
>             for line in stdout.readlines():
>                 print line
> But problem here is client.exec_command(bv_cmd) waits for command to execute 
> completely and then it returns to stdout,stderr. And I want to see the ouput 
> from the command during its execution. Because my command takes long time for 
> execution.
> Big Picture in My Mind: Big Picture I that want to achieve is, Opening 
> different SSH connection to different host, and it will issue commands to all 
> host, wait for execution. All execution should happen parallel.(just wanted 
> to share my thought, and wanted to hear opinions from you all. Is this 
> possible??). I am not big programmer, just 2 years experience with asp.net C# 
> 2.0 so i would appreciate if discussion happens in simple english.

Can any one comment on this..


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