Hi Friends,

I would like to introduce myself.

I am Krishnan from Chennai, India. I am using python for 2 years for Test
Automation. I am fascinated by the language and its capabilities. I am
willing to move into Python development and I am doing the best i can to
learn the language completely and contribute to open source.

I figured out that the best way is to talk to the experts and so i
subscribed to this mailing list. It will be cool if anybody can help me out
by telling the etiquette of this mailing list, like

1. How to acknowledge a reply? Should i put a one to one mail or send it to
the mailing list itself?
2. How can i see or get a question asked by someone else? (So that i can
reply for that with my best possible knowledge. I currently get as Python
mail Digest)
3. How can i use this mailing list in the best possible way?

I hope to have a wonderful time with Python here. I hope i am not wasting
your time. Sorry for the inconvenience if i am.


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