On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 12:50 PM, Skip Montanaro <s...@pobox.com> wrote:

> > See the Rationale of PEP 450 for more reasons why “install NumPy” is not
> > a feasible solution for many use cases, and why having ‘statistics’ as a
> > pure-Python, standard-library package is desirable.
> I read that before posting but am not sure I agree. I don't see the
> screaming need for this package.  Why can't it continue to live on
> PyPI, where, once again, it is available as "pip install ..."?

Well, I *do* think this module would be a wonderful addition to the
standard library.  I've often used python to do analysis of data, nothing
complicated enough to need NumPy, but certainly things where I've needed to
find averages etc. I've rolled my own functions for these projects, and I'm
sure they are fragile.  Besides, it was just a pain to do them.

PyPI is terrific. There are lots of excellent modules on there.  It's a
wonderful resource.  But I think that the standard library is also a
wonderful thing, and where there are clearly defined modules, that serve a
general, well-defined function and where development does not need to be
very rapid, I think they should go into the Standard Library.

I'm aware that my opinion is just that of one user, but I read this PEP and
I thought, "Thank Goodness! That looks great.  About time too."


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