anthonyberet wrote:
> My question isn't as all-encompassing as the subject would suggest...
> I am almost a Python newbie, but I have discovered that I don't get
> along with IDLE, as i can't work out how to run and rerun a routine
> without undue messing about.
> What I would really like is something like an old-style BASIC
> interpreter, in which I could list, modify and test-run sections of
> code, to see the effects of tweaks, without having to save it each time,
> or re-typing it over and over 
> I see lots of alternate IDEs etc, but which would allow me the simple
> interface that I have described? 

Try Emacs + python-mode. Emacs surely has a lot of warts, but I'm still
looking for a better and more versatile code editor/IDE - specially when
it comes to languages with REPL (-> Read-Eval-Print Loop).

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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