Coates, Steve (ACHE) wrote:
> There is already an NTP client in the ASPN cookbook :-

Thanks Steve.  As it turns out, Windows XP already has support (via NTP 
I presume, though of course since this is Microsoft they try to keep the 
user base ignorant by making no mention of that even in the help page) 
for keeping the clock accurate, right on the last tab (labelled 
"Internet Time") of the Date and Time Properties dialog.

And on Linux, of course, this is already a trivial matter.

With what Tim clarified about time.time(), it will be quite sufficient 
when used in conjunction with a threatened slap on the wrist (or a label 
on the side of the monitor) for any user who tries to change the 
clock...  (Thanks, Tim!  time.time() makes sense finally.)


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