On 8/21/2013 1:52 PM, Joel Goldstick wrote:
On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Comment Holder <commenthol...@gmail.com> wrote:

Many thanks for your help - I think I shall start with this way and see how it 
goes. My concerns were if the task can be accomplished with Python, and from 
your posts, I guess it can - so I shall give it a try :).

CM: You still seem a bit doubtful. If you are wondering why no one else has answered, it is because Joel has given you a really good answer that cannot be beat without writing your code for you.

You're welcome.  One thought popped into my mind.  Since the site
seems to be from the Wall Street Journal, you may want to look into
whether they have an api for searching and retrieving articles.  If
they do, this would be simpler and probably safer than parsing web
pages.  From time to time, websites change their layout, which would
probably break your program.  However APIs are more stable

Including this suggestion, which I did not think of.

Terry Jan Reedy


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