On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 21:18:10 +1000, David wrote:

> On 27 August 2013 17:13, Νικόλαος <ni...@superhost.gr> wrote:
>> I know this isn't the place to ask
> Νικόλαος is 100% correct about this.
> So, this list is also not the correct place to answer. So please
> everyone, do not respond. Thanks.

Asking for recommendations for a hosting provider that supports Python 3 
very much is on-topic. (Besides, we often have off-topic discussions on 
this list.)

Νικόλαος has asked for help finding a Python-friendly hosting company. I 
don't know any hosting companies other than what I would discover by 
googling, so I can't help him.

Nikos, I'm not interested in getting into a debate about who is to blame 
for your website breaking. You have asked your question, nobody is 
obliged to help you, if anyone has a recommendation they will reply, and 
if they don't, they won't. That is the way things are, so just accept it.


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