On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 4:18 AM, Sam Fourman Jr. <sfour...@gmail.com> wrote:
> there are MANY micro frameworks, I have been following these guys for a few
> years
> http://www.pocoo.org/

+1.  The Pocoo team makes many awesome things.

> specifically jinja2 and flask looks to be the best choice out of all the
> options out there

Jinja2 is a standalone templating engine, something like Smarty for
PHP.  And Flask is a microframework, which adds on top of Jinja2 (not
mandatory) and Werkzeug (another Pocoo project) to make a nice and
easy webdevelopment base.  IMO it is the best choice in terms of

But microframeworks are, as the name states, micro.  The big
frameworks include tons of abstractions and fancy features.  Some
people may like them, others may not.  (Those features can obviously
be implemented in the microframeworks on one’s own or through existing
open-source code.)

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick <http://kwpolska.tk>
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