On Mon, 02 Sep 2013 16:08:04 +0000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> (If you think text is not a proper interface, you're going to have a
> bad time as a programmer. 99% of your programming time will be
> writing.)

I'm a programmer, and I spend way more than 1% of my programming time
drawing, even taking into account that a lot of what I draw contains
writing.  A diagram is often worth a kword.  (Now if only I had a
satisfactory drawing tool on a computer; I keep running out of, paper,
wall, and window space.)

I also spend way more than 1% of my programming time thinking.  How can
this work?  How can this fail?  How can I test this?  Will this handle
tomorrow's problem (YAGNI notwithstanding)?

And then there's the time I spend listening.  Customers, managers, and
coworkers inflict (not always respectively) requirements, constraints,
and other ideas on me.  And talking, becuase sometimes, I have something
to say, too.

With all due respect, if I spent 99% of my programming time writing, I'd
be a pretty lousy programmer!  ;-)

That said, most of the best programmers I know (or have known) have
excellent written communication skills.


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