Maurice LING wrote:

> What I am trying to do is "port" a workable program from my own machine
> (Mac OSX) to a larger machine (Linux). So, the DB and the program are
> also on the same Linux machine.
> On the Linux machine, I cannot use localhost, so I set host parameter in
> kinterbasdb.connect() method to None, which is the default kinterbasdb
> uses. On Linux machine, I get the error as posted. On my Mac OSX
> machine, initiating host parameter to 'localhost' or None has no
> difference, it works.

How do you connect to the Linux-DB using tools like isql?

Check you firebird config (most likely in /etc/firebird2/firebird.conf) for
the parameters "RemoteServicePort" and "RemoteBindAddress". And at least
try "netstat -alp | grep fbserv" (as root) to check if the firebird is
running properly. 

If you're running the classic server you can simply follow Grig's advice and
connect "directly" to the db files. 


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