There is no such thing as a "cgi form" or "cgi window". Your cgi script runs 
when the user requests a Web page, generates a page, and then ends. At that 
point, python has stopped running. If your want the client's browser window to 
close, that's not a python problem. If you want to invalidate the download link 
after one successful download, you'll have to add a unique identifier to the 
url and keep track of which identifiers are still valid.

Thanks for responding,

Technically cgi is a script.  But a form is what a cgi script file can create.

The form I asked about is html, it was generated by a cgi script file. So I 
should have written; a cgi script file generated html form, or a cgi script 
file generated html window. Lazy writing.
My mistake.

However I asked a question which now is mute. Once the user downloads the data 
the user can copy it, so why limit the download?.  

I appreciate the response,




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