On 6 September 2013 20:35, Tim Chase <python.l...@tim.thechases.com> wrote:

> On 2013-09-06 05:09, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> > And thank goodness for SIGWINCH. :-)
> BEDEVERE: How do you know she is a SIGWINCH?
> VILLAGER: She looks like one.
> CROWD: Right! Yeah! Yeah!
> :-)
> I'm just glad it's no longer 40-chars-per-column and purely
> upper-case like the Apple ][+ on which I cut my programming teeth.

Couldn't you switch the ][+ into high-res mode? You could with the IIe.
Made programming in DOS 3.3 BASIC so much nicer.

Tim Delaney

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