On 9/12/13 2:24 PM, Markus Rother wrote:
On 10.09.2013 08:09, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
What design mistakes, traps or gotchas do you think Python has? Gotchas
are not necessarily a bad thing, there may be good reasons for it, but
they're surprising.
I have one more:

Dictionaries should iterate over their items instead of their keys.

I understand the natural desire for this, and I sometimes forget and have to add a ".items()" to my loops. But if you consider how "in" should work with dicts, it's only reasonable that "k in d" examine if a key is in a dict, not if an item is in a dict. And once you have "in" working like that, it's reasonable for iteration to work on keys.

Dicts act like collections of keys, each with an associated value.

Looking forward to contrary opinions.



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