Hi Steven. Here is my code:

import win32clipboard, win32con

def getclipboard():
    s = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT)
    return s

I use this helper function to grab the text on the clipboard and do useful 
things with it.

Sorry about the description; I have stuff to learn about strings and python 3.3.

To get the string length, I just do len(s). There were 10 columns and 700+ rows 
of data, so len(s) returned 80684 from an excel spreadsheet saved as a text 

>From the clipboard contents copied from the spreadsheet, the characters 
>s[:80684] were the visible cell contents, and s[80684:] all started with 
>"b'\x0" and lack any useful info for what I'm trying to accomplish.

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