Hi everybody, Can someone advice me with the following issue: i want to learn python in my summer vacation (i try to ...:-) So, a good start is buying a good book. But wich? There are many ...
I'm living in the Netherlands and I prefer a book from bol.com (see link) because i've to order more books by them. I'm familiar with html & php and basic (in the good old days). It has to be a newbie book, but not a book what i don't need anymore when i've got some skills. I.e. the learning curve of the book should be linear. A kind of book wich i could use as a novice. Search here for python (sorry, there's no short link) http://www.nl.bol.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/nl/-/EUR/BOL_BrowseCatalog-View;sid=nyuhO3sz8k2hODn5OfqfDJvrcywRiGQwhPU=?Section=BOOK_EN&CategoryContent=NJqR5Kpb0soAAADqmW%2eZypJb&OpenCategory=HwqR5Kpb8AUAAADqVW6ZypJb&CategoryLeftpanel=BOOK_EN%2eCATEGORY00000000&Secondary=YES&Template=BOL_subcat_BOOK_EN_1476 -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list