On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Antoon Pardon
<antoon.par...@rece.vub.ac.be> wrote:
>> Also, how will other people learn that they should put some effort
>> into their questions? If people are only ever corrected privately,
>> nobody will learn from anyone else. Orders of magnitude more people
>> will read this than just the OP,
> I didn't complain about his respons being public.


Sometimes, things are better said than not-said. In fact, that's
*often* true. Maybe it's unpleasant for the person the jab is aimed
at; maybe it feels awkward for you, as an onlooker. But for the good
of python-list, Nikos has to be told that putting minimal effort into
his questions is a bad thing, and if you're going to say that, may as
well say it in a funny way.

Plus, Steven was making a solid point, too. So if you want Nikos to be
ignored by anyone who can't be completely "friendly", what you'll end
up with is materially less content on the list.


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