On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 08:42:35 +0430, Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh wrote:

> Dear all,
> Unfortunately, i confused and need help... the following code is:
> ################################################### 
> ##CheckBox:
>     QtCore.QObject.connect(self.checkBox,
> QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("toggled(bool)")), lambda:
> self.materialsInstance.setFilterDict("C", self, "name",
> self.lineEdit.text()))

I don't use Qt, but I'll try to help.

First question, what does _fromUtf8 do? It appears to be a private 
function. Is that your function? If you want to create a string from UTF-8 
bytes, use:


I don't think there is a need for a dedicated _fromUtf8 function.

If you are using Python 3, then "toggled(bool)" is already a Unicode 
string, and there is no need to convert from UTF-8.

If you are using Python 2, then "toggled(bool)" is a byte string, and you 
can turn it into a Unicode string by just using the u prefix:


Again, no need to convert from UTF-8.

The only time you need to convert from UTF-8 is when you are reading data 
from a file, or other external source, that is encoded in UTF-8.

Other than that, your first line of code seems like a straight-forward 
call to set a callback function. When the button is pressed, the 
instance's attribute materialsInstance calls the method setFilterDict.

>         QtCore.QObject.connect(self.checkBox_2,
> QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("toggled(bool)")), lambda:
> self.materialsInstance.setFilterDict("C", self, "bought_price",
> persianToInteger(unicode(self.lineEdit_2.text()))))

Again, the same method is called, only this time with different 
arguments. Hmmm, this strikes me as poor design. I think that a better 
design would be for the object to have a few methods:

    def toggle_checkbox(self, flag):
        # checkbox logic goes here, e.g.
        if flag:

And then your callback is trivially

lambda: self.toggle_checkbox(get_state)

I'm not sure how to get the checkbox state from Qt, you will need to 
replace the "get_state" with the correct code.

That, in my opinion, is easier to understand.

>         QtCore.QObject.connect(self.checkBox_4,
> QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("toggled(bool)")), lambda:
> self.materialsInstance.setFilterDict("C",self,"stock",
> persianToInteger(unicode(self.lineEdit_3.text()))))

And more callbacks. Most of your code is probably irrelevant to the 
problem you are having. You will help us to help you if you can read this 


and simplify your code.

[...many more callbacks...]

> #################################################### 
> Description:
> I have 3 widget:
> 1. CheckBox:  a. name b. bought_price c. stock 2. LineEdit : a. name b.
> bought_price c. stock 3. One PushButton
> i have three slot: 1. responseToRequestForData()  2.setFilterDict()
> 3.unSetFilterDict()
> responseToRequestForData(): start to search in DB setFilterDict(): fill
> a dict from my LineEdit
> Problem:
> My name is filled in dict but its value doesn't fill up. b and c don't
> have any problem.

I'm afraid I don't understand this. Even your followup post doesn't 
really help:

> I see same output in console:
> {'stock': 2, 'name': PyQt4.QtCore.QString(u''), 'bought_price': 23}

What result where you expecting?

If I remember correctly, Qt strings are mutable unicode strings, so 
'name' is associated with an empty Qt string. If they are mutable, that 
means that once the dict is set:

{'name': QString(u'contents of text field'), ...}

if the text field changes, so will the string. Is that what is happening?

(Or perhaps I have mis-remembered about Qt strings.)

You have two callbacks that appear to set the "name" key in the dict. 
Perhaps one of them is setting it to an empty value.


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