jwaixs wrote:

> To reply to the last part of the discussion and esspecially to Gustavo
> Niemeyer, I really apriciate the way in which I had been answered. And
> I won't have any questions about the re module that I had before I post
> this threat.
> I was frustration and should, probebly, not post this frustration. But
> it was never my purpous to ask something stupid or asking it arrogant.
> The python re module is, in my opinion, a non beginner user friendly
> module. And it's not meant for beginning python programmers. I don't
> have any experience with perl or related script/programming languages
> like python. (I prefer to do things in c) So the re module is
> completely new for me.
> If I upset someones clean mind posting a "stupid" and "arrogant"
> question, I'm sorry and won't post my frustrasion on this usenet group
> anymore.
> But thank you for all your help about the re module,
> Noud Aldenhoven

I would recommend that you give Kodos a try:


Doesn't make the re syntax any easier, but I find that it allows you to more
quickly develop workable code.



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