George Sakkis wrote:
> "mg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I work on an finite element framework and Python bindings have been
>>Actually, we use Boost.Build as build system but we would like to change
>>We have two kinds of problems. First, the framework is used for generate
>>pure C++ applications with static libraries ; second, the framework have
>>some dependencies to fortran projects.
>>Then, in order to know if Distutils can be use in our case, I would like
>>to know if :
>>- Can distutil compile static C/C++ libraries ?
>>- Can distutil compile C/C++ applications ?
>>- Can distutil manage fortran compiler and compile fortran libraries and
>>applications ?
>>Thank for your answers
> I don't think distutils can handle all these, especially the last one,
> so I doubt it's the right tool in your case. I would suggest SCons
> (, a modern make/automake/autoconf replacement
> that uses python for its configuration files instead of yet another
> cryptic half-baked mini-language or XML.

It does handle FORTRAN when using the scipy_distutils extensions.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter


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