
> True, I did not explain what I was trying to do.
> pythontex is a package that allows the inclusion of python code within a
> LaTeX document - (sort of like python.sty, but IMO, better) - I use
> it along with noweb to create documents that contain documentation,
> code and output of the code - and pythontex allows me to access variables
> within the python code embedded in the LaTeX - except for the case
> I mentioned ... Within the python code (inside the LaTeX document) I had
> a "savefig(outputfile)" and I was trying to reference the outputfile
> using \py{outputfile}

It could be that \includegraphics needs an expandable TeX form for its
filename, and \py probably isn't. I haven't tried pythontex yet (I
didn't know about it before your posting), so I can only guess. I am
going to try it out later. But if I am correct then the following might



Piet van Oostrum <>
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